Everywhere you look on media there are relationship reality shows; The Bachelor, Married at First Sight, Dating, and the list goes on. In these shows you see a lot of …
Referrals are so important in our industry as often we are building the biggest investment people will make in their lives. Tim Nugteren Managing Director Keystone Construction NZ Limited and …
Recently, Auckland Director Consultant Mariska Mannes motivated one of her chapters in a creative and inspiring way. She presented t-shirts to members of the chapter with a stylish steam train …
A mention of BNI’s founder Ivan Misner in the weekly marketing column of the NZ Herald “ I had an interesting discussion a while ago with Dr Ivan Misner the …
Better BusinessBNI tips for membersTraditions and Innovation
Tradespeople help build stronger chapters
Networking organisations are often associated with white collar businesspeople like accountants, lawyers or real estate agents. One of the many strengths of BNI is that we attract individuals from all …
Be InspiredBuilding Meaningful RelationshipsLifelong Learning
The Butter Fly Effect in Networking – explained by Ivan Misner, Founder of BNI
Article contributed by Dr. Ivan Misner. “The Butterfly Effect is part of chaos theory, which is a part of mathematics. It basically proposes that the flapping of the wings of …