Be InspiredBNI Core ValuesBuilding Meaningful Relationships
Fellowship in BNI helped lift my business to prize-winning heights
40-50% of Kenn’s business has come through BNI referrals. With more than four decades in the insurance industry, Kenn has had the best year of his business life. He began …
On Wednesday 29th November, our members from around Canterbury gathered for their annual Big Breakfast in Christchurch. This year we were fortunate to have both Ryan Reynolds from Gap Filler …
BNI Core ValuesGivers Gain
Celebrate with your fellow BNIers and do business this festive season with these top tips
The time is here …summer holidays are just around the corner. For many members that means end of year parties and events perhaps still to attend. Business events can be …
Be InspiredBNI tips for membersBuilding Meaningful Relationships
What The Lord of the Rings taught us about BNI
As most of you may know, the first book in The Lord of the Rings fantasy trilogy is titled “The Fellowship of the Ring”. It’s given this title because it …
Be InspiredBNI Core ValuesI Love BNIPositive Attitude
Passion is what has shone a light on my business at BNI
• Diego Saez Ibarzabal, member of BNI Positively Wellington, is an experienced architect and highly qualified Lighting Designer with a true passion for light. • He has a notable ability to …
BNI Core ValuesBuilding Meaningful RelationshipsTraditions and Innovation
A golden microphone and some top tips from BNI in Australia
Marcin Kukialka, president of BNI Howick Marcin is a fully qualified Fitness Professional originally from Poland and Recently he won two world champion titles at the International Sport Karate and …