Over the last six months, we’ve continued to navigate a global pandemic. As chapters we have been up and down levels, slowed down by traffic lights, met face to face or Zoomed in, sometimes at a moment’s notice.
You’d have to agree with me that the Leadership Team has done an incredible job keeping us together over such an unusual period. So please join me in a round of applause for the leadership team.
But even though it was an “interesting” six months, let’s hear from the President if they still enjoyed the role.

Who is next?
Their term (and mine) is nearly over and it’s time for a new team to take over from April 1st , hopefully they will have an easier time than us!
Right now our current President and BNI Director Consultant are talking to members about taking up roles in the next Leadership Team.
What if you get offered a role?
Accept it. Or at least think very hard before turning it down. Why?
1. It is a compliment to be asked. The current Leadership Team thinks you have the skills to serve the chapter or the potential to grow into a role.
2. Regard it as a great privilege to serve others, it’s an expression of Givers Gain to be on the Leadership Team. Our chapter needs leaders to function and grow and ALL members (not just the members who constantly serve on the Leadership Team) should give back to the chapter by helping lead to the best of their ability and availability.
3. Performing well on the Leadership Team is a great opportunity to improve your visibility and credibility. You will learn more about BNI which will help you to be a more successful BNI membership. You will also develop new skills of Leadership and get to know your fellow members better.
4. It is an opportunity to make a difference, if you think the chapter needs a bit of renovation or inspiration, get in there and get it done.
What leadership opportunities are there?
There is a role to fit every personality and skill set.
President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Visitor Hosts, Education Co-ordinator, Member Mentor, Events/Hospice Champion, Social Media person.
In a high-performing team, the roles are not time-consuming or complicated but they are very rewarding.
I’d like to be involved, what do I do?
The current Leadership Team will reach out to you as they are choosing a team but if you would like to be involved, talk to the President and they will let you know of the roles they need to fill that you might be suitable for the next term or future terms.