Home BNI NZ and Hospice Advocates Chapter BYO Mid Winter Dinner Raises $2,000 for HOSPICE NZ

Advocates Chapter BYO Mid Winter Dinner Raises $2,000 for HOSPICE NZ

by BNI New Zealand

gavin-jo-cheque.jpg  I received this note from Nigel Humphreys of the Advocates Chapter in Christchurch and thought that it might be of interest to others.   Great Job guys!

The Advocates Chapter is based in Christchurch and meets at The Manor on Bealey on Thursday.

Early in the year the Chapter invited Jo Seagar to be our 10-minute speaker.

Jo is well known for her TV cooking programmes, a number of cook book publications and most recently her arrival in the Canterbury country town of Oxford, where with her husband Ross, she has established the Jo Seagar Cooking School and Restaurant.

jo-jocelyn-b.jpg  But most importantly, Jo is the NZ wide Ambassador for Hospice New Zealand.

Her visit prompted discussion around the table on how the Advocates could do more for Hospice NZ.

Out of this came the idea for a fund raising potluck diner with a twist… all the food was to be Jo Seagar recipes.  Each attendee would donate  the equivalent amount for a meal out at a restaurant – a minimum of $40.00 per head was agreed and the date set – Friday July 11.

Nurse Maude is part of Hospice NZ and they kindly offered their grand old premises as a venue and their Ball Room proved to be ideal. 

Jo Seagar was invited as our special guest and invitations were sent to several past Chapter members.
The night was a huge success, with good food,  good fellowship and fine wines and the fundraising was further added to by a mystery auction of several wrapped items (some donated by Jo) and other pieces that Auctioneer Gavin (Fagan) Ryan found on the premises!

the-actioneer.jpg  His ability to encourage (extort) bids out of those attending for pieces that you had no chance of taking away was admirable… he was ably assisted by his colleague in crime Charlie (I sell businesses) Rattray

The evening raised just over $2,000 and was unanimously hailed as a great success.
Givers Gain and the Advocates chapter certainly did both on the night!

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