This week are returning to have a somewhat light hearted look at visitors. Why? Because when we look at the overall levels of member engagement in terms of attendance, one …
Has anyone ever given a referral to another member and the member never followed it up? Or they took too long to follow it up? It may happen surprisingly often. …
BNI’s fundamental core value is Givers Gain®. Givers Gain® is an attitude which supports the bringing of referral business to others which means if everyone has that attitude there is …
This week we are going to take a quick look at the why and how of Chapter Education Units or CEU’s. We understand that members who learn how to make …
Recently Ray, the father of a BNI member, visited BNI Titirangi. After the meeting Ray explained to his son Graham Lockett, member and Visitor Host, that he had been to …
Most, if not all of you have, or will, at some point in your life have decided that you need to “get fit”, or at least improve your level of …