Many business owners have to deal with a lot of stress and anxiety nowadays. It can be tough to have your own business and to be successful in what you …
Be InspiredBetter BusinessBNI tips for membersGivers GainNetworkingReferralsSales and MarketingUncategorised
Good referrals don’t happen by accident
Instead of waiting for an opening to refer a member in your chapter, why not deliberately set out to create those opportunities on their behalf? Let me explain. I have …
BNI EventsBNI NewsBNI NZ and Hospice
BNI Millennium Chapter and SANZ thank all those who made the BNI Golf Day at Warkworth Golf Course such a success
Together BNI Millennium Chapter and SANZ raised $9,000 to be shared by North Shore, Warkworth and Northland Hospices. Our thanks to Warkworth Golf Course for providing the perfect venue – …
I have posted about Nick Vujicic before – but this guy is so inspiring that I could not help but post this short video as well. It made me cry …
Be InspiredBetter BusinessBNI tips for membersNetworkingSales and MarketingUncategorised
We are what we think about
What do you think about most? Take a moment to list what most dominates your thoughts… I ask this question, because in the words of The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius: …
Article contributed by Jasbindar Singh. Been out of your comfort zone lately? Can you recall how you reacted and its impact on your problem-solving or decision making? My business coaching …