Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood. This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting. You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. What you …
Recently one of our members (Karon Storr from Epic Employment Service Inc) from the Kinesis chapter in Christchurch wrote this ‘Ode to BNI’ Ode to BNI You know who …
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BNI Christchurch – update
Article contributed by Fiona Harrop. Firstly as of tomorrow, all chapters in Christchurch will be put into a Fee Suspended state for the following 3 months. This means that your …
Better BusinessBNI tips for membersLeadershipNetworkingSocial CapitalSustainable Business
Christchurch Relief Efforts
As we continue to promote the New Zealand Red Cross appeal – we are receiving an increasing number of requests for direct help from members as well as offers of …
Today BNI Metro Chapter in the South/East Auckland region were the last chapter to complete the BNI National Survey for our region. We began giving out the survey forms as …
Able to take a whole family – indefinately in Wanganui – free transport from WLG From Nic Verhoek My parents have kindly offered to share their home in Wanganui – …