Leadership Team Members – Recruiting now!
Roles available; President, Vice-President, Secretary Treasurer, Education Co-Ordinator, Events/Hospice Co-Ordinator, Visitor Hosts, Member Mentor, Social Media Co-Ordinator ……
Do you: Like helping others succeed? Have unrecognised leadership potential? Enjoy giving back to those who have helped you? See opportunities for improvement in the chapter….
Are you: Keen to learn new skills? Keen to make a difference?
We are looking for inspiring individuals who can work in a team to take this chapter to the next level. Start Date October 1st, 2020

No need to apply! No need to apply!
Right now, the current President, in conjunction with your chapter BNI Director Consultant and the next president, are consulting on who they think would make a strong leadership Team. So, if you are lucky enough to get a tap on the shoulder, they think you are the right person for a role to help the chapter succeed.
If you are asked to participate, the answer should be “yes, of course, what do you want me to do?” However, if you are keen to be a part of the Leadership Team and to make a difference, make sure you let your current President know. But remember, available positions are limited so don’t be disappointed if you miss out, there will be another Leadership Team needed in 6 months time.
Leadership Testimonials
This is a great time to ask past Leadership Team members to speak up about the benefits and enjoyment they had in the past from being on the Leadership Team.
·Not all the current Leadership Team members/positions have to change. In fact, it’s a good idea to keep some experience in the team. However, if someone has been on the team for several terms, it’s a good idea to change them and let someone else learn the role.
·There is Leadership Team training coming up ·There is a comprehensive Leadership Team manual
·The next Leadership term is from October 1 2020 to March 31st 2021