Home Leadership Raising the leadership bar this year

Raising the leadership bar this year

by BNI New Zealand

Peter Drucker, one of the best-known and most widely influential thinkers and writers on the subject of management theory and practice, once noted:

“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”

Directors are leaders at BNI and as such they are focused on raising the bar and lifting the performance of all chapter members to a higher standard. This leads to success for your chapter and opens up new business opportunities for all of us in BNI.

So how do Directors do this?

Firstly, they should have a clear strategy and vision for their chapter. As a Director they are like a CEO and it is their job to make sure everyone else does theirs. This means they ensure meetings are run by the book and issues come to them.

Next, they ensure the chapter works together, is accountable and has common goals. We’ve had a real focus on accountability at BNI this year with the Member Commitment Reports and there’s momentum building around this.

Thirdly, Directors shouldn’t dictate to their chapter. Of course, Directors are leaders and should be firm about decision-making and act quickly when required. However, always remember they are part of your team and must remain open to new ideas and suggestions from members.

Last of all they need to keep things fresh and never just go through the motions. Their job is to introduce new initiatives from BNI New Zealand.

At BNI we select Directors that can lead by example, be passionate and above average for helping mentor and support their chapters. By raising the bar in terms of their own performance, they do the same for all the members in the chapters they look after.

In 2014 we want to raise the leadership bar. By improving the standards of Directors all members will benefit and the flow-on benefits to your business will be enormous. Reach out for support when you need it from your Director, that’s what they are there for.

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