Home Leadership Powerful Leadership Teams are critical to the success of our BNI chapters

Powerful Leadership Teams are critical to the success of our BNI chapters

by BNI New Zealand

Hi Everyone

I hope you all enjoyed sitting back last week and letting the President explain their vision and goals? Our new teams had a ball this week with it and it seems to have kicked their term off really well.

This week it makes sense to roll into what the Leadership team actually does. This is for 3 reasons, many members don’t know what the roles are, it will hold the leadership team accountable for carrying out the roles and it will give the LT recognition for the extra effort they put in on behalf of the members. It’s a fairly dry presentation so do your best to give it some spark!

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I have  two videos this week, one of me presenting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXuOJ9kAzIQ  it so you can see how not to do it. It took me a smidgeon over five minutes going fast so watch your timing. The other video is me explaining the presentation a bit more fully: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-LxCXSZ3RE.

There is also a power point you can use but be aware you need to customise it for what your LT is going to do so make sure you go through it if you are going to use it. Also of value is a BNI Podcast https://www.bnipodcast.com/2014/05/21/secret-great-leadership-teams/ . This will give you more insights into leadership teams.

Lastly, next week we will be looking at either Attendance or possibly VCP , they are closely linked.

After that the plan is to look at the Raps, Caps & Testimonial section of the meeting.

Have a great week.

Richard Foulkes – Director Consultant, Auckland Region

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