Article contributed by Brian Noble. I was asked for tips on finding lots of quality referrals; a BNI Blog search gave four pages with some fabulous networking tips but nothing …
Be Inspired
Article contributed by Jenny Devine. We all have a shadow. This is what it is to be human; we contain elements of dark and light, good and bad. It was …
Article contributed by Clive Murphy. All people want to be a success. I hear you say “That’s not quite right. I know of people who don’t want to succeed”. It …
Before you give feedback 1. Be clear about your intention in giving the feedback. Keep it constructive and “clean.” Don’t “contaminate” with indirect, implied or mixed messages. 2. Make sure …
Directors “Big Breakfast”
Madre of the Military, Sherri Weinberg – the one-eyed, narrow minded, bigoted, pacifist Presbyterian Minister who became the first Woman Chaplain at Waiouru in the NZ Army. Brought up in …
BNI Epsom – Fundraiser follow up.
Why ‘thank you’ is a good referral quality control habit
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” ~G.K. Chesterton How often do we say ‘thank you’ for a …
Fiona Powell and I presented a Public Relations and Social Media Workshop in Auckland and Hamilton yesterday to a combined audience of about 140 people… It was during that presentation, …
Good referrals don’t happen by accident
Instead of waiting for an opening to refer a member in your chapter, why not deliberately set out to create those opportunities on their behalf? Let me explain. I have …