Home » Are You Just Not Making It?

Are You Just Not Making It?

by Clive Murphy

All people want to be a success.

I hear you say “That’s not quite right. I know of people who don’t want to succeed”.

It all depends on their definition of “Success”.

While people ‘want’ to be a success, very few will realise their definition. They will confine themselves to Struggle Street – whether it be in a relationship, in business, financially or in sport.

And that’s fine. It’s up to them. We all have choices.

To the ones who choose to take things to the next level, there are a myriad of things they can do to achieve their goals.

Here’s a video I thought would be great for you to watch.

One of the key points from the Hip Hop Preacher is, while people want to be a success, they seldom want it bad enough.

You may be thinking “I’m not going to go three days without sleep”. And I agree. To me, it’s a case of working smarter rather than harder.

To do this, you need to have a goal and a willingness to achieve it.

From studying very success people, they all have one trait in common: they push themselves beyond what the average person is prepared to do.

We know this is particularly true for sport. We hear about it regularly from elite athletes.

What about other areas of life, like relationships?

How many couples do you know who are truly happy in their relationship?

Be honest.

How much time does the average person spend per day, working on and developing their relationship?

Answer: No time. Nothing.

They simply hope they will get to the end with the same enthusiasm they had at the start.

And it doesn’t happen.

My work with people in relationships shows the Number One thing in life they would hate to lose is their relationship with their partner.

Yet the time they put into making it a success is zilch.

We have friends who have been together for nearly 25 years and their relationship is as good today as it was at the start.


Because they work on it. They study it. They spend time developing it and improving it. They learn what is required to make a relationship truly ‘magical’ and they implement what they learn.

Best of all, they gain the benefits from doing this.

So can you.

How much do you want to succeed in the key areas of your life?

What are you prepared to do to make it happen?

You only get out of it what you put into it.

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