Home BNI tips for members Are you using your BNI bio to maximise success during meetings?

Are you using your BNI bio to maximise success during meetings?

by BNI New Zealand

10 minute presentations are a powerful way to sell your business at BNI – but only if they are done correctly.


Part of the presentation involves an introduction of the speaker. Another member gives this introduction by using the My Bio section available within BNI Connect. The introducer reads the bio out, or asks questions from the bio. They introduce the 10 minute speaker to the members so that the speaker can immediately begin discussing their business without having to introduce themselves first.

The bio includes simple questions about your interests, family and passions etc. These are the areas that are covered off in the bio:

  • Business Information:
    Business Name:
  • Years in this Business:
    Previous types of jobs:
  • Family Information:  
    a.       Spouse
    b.       Children
    c.       Animals
  • Hobbies:
    Other Interests:
    My burning desire is to:
    Something no one knows about me:
    My key to success:

Make sure that your My Bio section within BNI Connect is completed so that you can be properly introduced at BNI.

Why is the bio so important?

  1. It’s the perfect way to present the speaker so everything runs smoothly during a meeting.
  2. It gives members insight into both you as a person and your business.
  3. It creates interest that the speaker can sustain with their presentation.

Introducing members using the bio is a vital part of the meetings. Make sure your chapter is maximising opportunities for referrals by using this important tool.

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