Home BNI tips for members Are you treating your 10 minutes like a business pitch?

Are you treating your 10 minutes like a business pitch?

by BNI New Zealand

You might have heard this quote…. “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.”

This means every business pitch you make should have a well-defined goal or desired outcome.

This is very true of the 10 minute presentation you give; your chance to get all the members to generate referrals for you.

Here are 10 tips to give you a stronger 10 minutes:

  1. Using Power Point will enhance your presentation; use before and after pictures and any other visuals or short bullets –but don’t go overboard and be wordy!
  2. When you present try to use photographs and images as much as words. Many people are visual learners. Use the slides as prompters and just speak naturally. Get screen grabs of your Facebook page – or navigate there if the technology at your meeting allows it.
  3. If there are questions, ask people to hold them until the end of your presentation so you cover off everything and nobody disrupts your flow. Perhaps 8 minutes to present and a 2 minutes Q&A time.
  4. Don’t get into the nitty‐gritty details of your business, which members won’t likely recall anyway. Rather focus on what problem you solve and the pointed questions members ask and the target markets they need to look out for.
  5. Remember to talk to members and not to the screen.
  6. Be creative; act, bring props, demonstrate, role play, talk about your staff, include fellow BNI members. Make it more fun so it is more memorable.
  7. Remember that stories and testimonies always bring to life what you’ve achieved.
  8. Discuss your point of difference – what sets you apart; your background, education and experience.
  9. Finish with a call to action; describe 4 or 5 ways people can find referrals for you and the types of businesses you are looking for.
  10. Last of all don’t wing it. It will show and come across as you not taking this important opportunity to present seriously.

Remember your focus is on what sort of business you are looking for – don’t rush this section of your 10 minutes. If you need to, put notes together that you can email to your chapter members after the meeting.

A well-delivered 10-Minute Presentation is key to BNI member success. Members who spend the time and energy to put together an excellent presentation come out of the experience with increased trust, energy, and, most importantly, more referrals.

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