Home BNI Core Values The HOW and WHY of BNI Education

The HOW and WHY of BNI Education

by BNI New Zealand

If anyone in the room owns a business with staff, you have likely experienced “leaky bucket” syndrome where we train our team only to find a few weeks later they’ve forgotten the training. We have to keep topping the bucket up!

Part of my role as Education Coordinator is to bring you BNI Education in small bite size pieces each week so that not only do we reinforce those ideas but also they are easy to digest.

BNI Mission Statement:
The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop meaningful, long-term relationships with quality business professionals.

BNI Core Values:
BNI is built on a set of guiding principles which form the foundation on which members interact, conduct themselves and fulfil their goals. These are our BNI Core Values.

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The leadership team believe in the BNI Core Value of Lifelong Learning and that there is more to BNI and networking that you can use to your advantage, that can’t be learned by just attending the weekly meeting. There are many other learning resources available like BNI University and face to face BNI trainings that we can access individually.

However, we do have the opportunity to use the BNI Education Moment which is only three minutes long to deepen and reinforce our BNI understanding each week as a chapter rather than as individuals. So as your Education Coordinator for the next six months, I’m hoping to entertain, educate and yes perhaps cajole you about BNI, networking and the occasional other topics.

Is everyone up for that?

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