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Courageous Conversations

by BNI New Zealand

At last week’s BNI Directors meeting the 25 people from all around New Zealand who are responsible for overseeing the BNI operation ‘in the field’, received a presentation from Business Psychologist, Jasbindar Singh entitled “Courageous Conversations”. The topic was particularly relevant to the team, who from time to time find themselves having to engage in conversations that really they would rather not have and yet there is a cost to be paid for not having the conversation. The advice from Jasbindar was that when we find ourselves needing to engage with others, that we should do so from a  place of enquiry – seeking out the other’s story and doing so with the right intentions. That being the case, the article below by Vanessa Cathie, entitled “It wasn’t me!” caught my attention and I thought I would share it with you.

“It would be a fair comment to say that the people for whom we have the greatest respect, are those who have accepted responsibility for every aspect of their lives. Instead of ducking responsibility when faced with an unfavourable situation, they learn a lesson and just keep on keeping on. 

George Bernard Shaw said, ‘People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, they make them.’

Shaw was right – those who win big in life take responsibility and create their own future.”

You can read Vanessa’s full article here.

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