Home » The keyword in network is “work”

The keyword in network is “work”

by Colin Kennedy


BNI is not a passive activity. It is not buying a ticket to a stream of vast wealth through referrals – it’s not a get rich quick scheme.

If you want BNI to deliver, you have to work the system.

Nobody can afford to turn up at the meeting each week, deliver a 60 second we’ve thought of at the last minute and then sit back and wait for the referrals.

Yet, to be honest, this is how many, many people operate.

BNI is a referral manufacturing machine, but you still have to crank the handle.

Here’s how:

1. Prepare your 60 second ahead of the meeting. Be clear on your benefit, be memorable and be specific about your referral request.

2. Dance every single week if you can. It’s a sales call. It’s marketing. It’s one hour.

3. Stay in constant touch with your network; be building the relationship. Be alert to opportunities to refer other people.

4. Set goals. Have a plan. How many referrals do you want a month? How many do you aim to give? How many dances will you do in one month? What else can you do to stay top of mind?

Remember the keyword in network is “work”.

Have fun.

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Paul Meyer 6 December 2010 - 11:03 am

Right on the button Colin.



Colin Kennedy 9 December 2010 - 4:16 pm

Thanks Paul

Catrina Bengree 25 February 2011 - 2:10 pm

Excellent post Colin. Well Done. As a relatively new memeber I am really starting to understand the value of dancing and building those relationships with everyone. Thanks again.

Lisa Cook 25 February 2011 - 4:22 pm

Yes totally agree Colin.
I almost always get a referral from a dance.

Colin 25 February 2011 - 7:19 pm

Thanks Catrina and Lisa — never stop working it

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