Home » Stamp out last minute 60 second presentations now

Stamp out last minute 60 second presentations now

by Colin Kennedy

When somebody in your chapter stands up and delivers a 60 second presentation they’ve just thought up (they’re easy to recognise), you need to take them aside and have a chat – and if it’s you, well you know what to do…

If somebody is delivering their 60 second off the cuff, it means they’ve not been listening to what anybody else has been saying, which is, to be frank, completely selfish.

I would suggest that if one person is doing it, a number of people are. This makes for an unfocussed and fragmented meeting because everybody is thinking only about themselves.

In professional sport, the teams with one or two players who hog the ball don’t do well at all.

A person who delivers a last minute 60 second also demonstrates that they don’t care about what you have to say. It is, in effect, all about them.

Therefore, their ability to generate referrals will be completely hampered because they haven’t been listening out for what you want.

When we focus on preparing our 60 second ahead of time, it demonstrates professionalism and ensures a quality presentation that increases our chances of receiving a referral.

It also leaves us free to listen to our fellow members; to connect with them and to demonstrate that we care about their interests.

If the whole chapter is listening at once, think about the kind of energy and the opportunities that kind of unified, singular focus will generate for everyone

It’s time to stamp out last minute 60 second presentations. Now. Today.

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