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Three things that will increase your referrals

by Hazel Walker

Leads and referrals, every business person wants them, but how do they go about getting them? You find business people going from networking event to networking event looking for leads, passing out business cards, gathering business cards and having coffee with people. All for the sake of a few leads and referrals.

There are a few things that a person can do to increase their ability to get referrals from others.

First, understand the difference between a lead and a referral. Most business people use the two words interchangeably. They are not the same thing at all. A lead is a cold call, or maybe just a little bit warm – a qualified referral is close to money in the bank!

It goes something like this, “Call the XYZ company, I hear they are looking for someone to do what you do.” Now you have to pick up the phone and get to the person that you need to talk to.

On the other hand a referral is warmed up for you. It would sound something like this, “Call the XYZ company they are looking for someone to do what you do and I told them about you. You should call Susan, she is expecting your call.” Now, you know who to call, you have been endorsed, and you have the contact information. Sounds very differently doesn’t it? Which one do you want to receive?
Here are 3 things that are a must if you are going to get more referrals and leads from you network.

1. Understand what it is that you want. All too often when I ask people how I can help them, they often say, they are not sure right now but will let me know later. Or they say, I am looking for any small business who needs my services. Unfortunately, this kind of vague request often amounts to nothing at all. And if it does amount to anything it is usually a low value lead that requires a lot of work for very little money.

2. Have a clear benefit statement that lets others know how you help your clients. For instance, I help real estate agents, mortgage professionals and insurance agents get more prospects consistently.” It is quick and easy and it lets people know who I help and what I help them achieve. All to often people ramble on and on with no clear message that I can easily carry for them.

3. Follow up with the people that you meet. This is one of the most important things for you to do and is also most often not done. Business professionals spend hours networking only to drop the ball when they get back to their offices. Don’t go to a networking event if you have not blocked out the time to do the follow up shortly after the event, otherwise you will find that you are not getting results and will have been wawsting your time.

Your time is valuable, don’t network with out a plan. Do your homework and know what you want, how you can help others and follow up on the referrals you receive. If you will take the time to do these three things you will find that you are getting more leads and referrals from others.

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