Home » Ten Tips To Increase Your Likability Factor

Ten Tips To Increase Your Likability Factor

by Hazel Walker

If you are going to be successful at Networking and creating a “word-of-mouth” marketing campaign it is important that people like you.
Have you ever stopped to think about your likability factor? We assume people like us, we worry about it. Some people say they don’t care if people like them or not. But, did you know that your likability factor has an impact on your bottom line? All things being equal people want to do business with people they know, like, and trust.
I had the opportunity to experience this for myself recently when I was looking to hire someone to do some work for me. There were two people both equally qualified to do the project. I ended up going with the person I liked and his price was 12% higher. I was willing to pay more because I liked the person.
A week later a young man came to my door, selling cleaning solution. Now anyone who knows me knows, that I am not exactly the target market for cleaning solution. It’s not that I don’t clean my house, I just let someone else do it. But, I bought $50 worth of his products Why, he was so completely likable, he made eye contact, had a great sense of humor, was polite and engaging.
Being likable is important to growing your business, it allows others to connect with you. There are things that you can do that will help you be more likable, allowing you to create rapport and do business with more people.

Here are traits that go a long way to helping people like you:
• Be polite, at all times – Your mother taught you this!
• Pay attention to the person you are talking to, eyes darting around, no eye contact or checking your email, cell phone, or watch, means you are not paying attention
• Ask good questions – Ask others about themselves
• Smile, and maintain good eye contact
• Be engaged and engaging
• Be positive
• Watch your language
• Find ways to compliment others
• Have good energy
• Follow up with sincerity

Having a positive attitude about life makes people want to be around you, and being able to carry a conversation with positive small talk also goes a long way to making you likable. Like it or not people choose to do business with you based on your likability factor, and it is something that you can learn with a little practice

So start working on increasing your likability factor, you will connect with more people and increase your bottom line.

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David Wimblett 3 December 2008 - 8:48 am

Great blog – really useful. Thank you.

Cesar Moves 4 December 2008 - 10:48 am

I can relate to this ! , I’ve heard some goody things about this blog ! I bookmarked it on my favorites and will visit it again for more interesting posts like this one, Thanks

Vasintha Pillay 6 December 2008 - 8:33 pm

Its the little things in life that matter and the little things in life can either make or break our business.

Craig Lawson 7 December 2008 - 10:22 pm

nice……be likeable but always deliver…………or even over deliver where possible!

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