Home BNI tips for members Setting up Personal Introductions

Setting up Personal Introductions

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Hazel Walker.

How many times have you asked someone for a referral and what you ended up with was a name and phone number on a piece of paper?  Was that what you really wanted?   Wouldn’t you prefer a personal introduction with someone who could promote you?

Setting up an introduction can be a challenge, especially when all three of the people are very busy.  It could take several emails and phone calls before you get everyone together.  Once you make it happen you will find that all three people are happy that you went to the extra effort.

Here are some reasons for making personal introductions
• You get to build the credibility of each of the participants
• You get to be in control of the meeting in case things begin to go wrong
• You get to share in the opportunity to learn more about each participant
• Your credibility as a connector and resource grows

The participants will remember how you connected them and do the same for you when you ask them.
If you want a personal introduction, ask for it, and the next time someone ask you for a referral make it a personal introduction.

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