Home Better Business If referrals are important then why are they random?

If referrals are important then why are they random?

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Hazel Walker.

I am always interested in learning how people generate referrals for their business.  So, when I am networking I will ask the people I meet the following questions;  How much of your business is  by referral and the response is often 50% or more.  That always leads me to my next question, do you have a tracking system or is that a good guess?  It is usually just a guess.

For most networkers, referrals are completely random and go something like this:

If someone calls me up and ask me if I know someone who can help them, and if I can remember if I know someone who can help them and if I can find the number of that person and give it to the person who just called me, and if they will pick up the phone and call the person I recommended, then they got a referral!  The average networker is very excited because they believe that their network is working.  But it is completely random and reactive.

Do you have a system for generating referrals?  If referrals are important to your business, shouldn’t you have a system that you can count on?
• Shouldn’t you know who you best referral sources are?
• Shouldn’t you know how and when your referrals will show up?
• Shouldn’t you have a system to track your networking activities?
• Shouldn’t you have a system in place for thanking your referral sources?

Really, why are your referral random?

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1 comment

Craig Lawson 16 February 2009 - 8:37 pm

Tracking referrals are very important, we often track our sales daily, weekly, monthly etc, budgets v last year, gross profits etc, so why dont we track our main source of income?

This can lead to forming power groups within BNI. Partnering up others in the same industry who share the same drive or passion to succeed. If you are tracking
your best referral source then you can partner them and become even more dynamic!

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