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How to inject a referral conversation into every meeting

by Colin Kennedy


When you meet somebody in business ask them: “Are you a member of BNI?” The thought of doing this may give you pause, but bear with me…


Asking somebody if they are a member of BNI is better than asking them if they have heard of BNI, because you’re assuming they haven’t and it sounds like you’re ready to sell them something.


However, when you ask somebody if they’re a member of BNI, you should get one of three responses:


  1. No, why do you ask?

  2. Yes, and you?

  3. No, what’s that?


Question 1 and 3 are both opportunities to generate referrals because you can explain to them that “you are a member of BNI, you get most of your business through BNI and you were wondering if it was the same for them?”


It’s creating conversation. It’s simple, harmless and easy. Either way, it opens up a conversation about networking, referrals and BNI. With that comes the opportunity to invite a guest or generate a referral.


If the answer is “yes”, you automatically find yourself on common ground. There’s no better way to build rapport.


Try it.


Colin Kennedy is a public relations consultant, copywriter and speaker. See www.ironroad.co.nz He is also the outsource Marketing Director for BNI New Zealand and assistant director for the South Central region of BNI.


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Malcolm Kyle 13 November 2010 - 1:14 am

Great post Colin

I’m constantly looking for ways to simply the approach to BNI for my members – and this is as straightforward as it gets.

Smart thinking.

Thank you


Colin 13 November 2010 - 5:51 am

Thanks Malcolm, I know of a person who uses all the time and he regularly generates business for other members.

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