Home BNI Workshops Create the habits of excellence

Create the habits of excellence

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Hazel Walker.

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do”. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

What habits have you created around your referrals business?

The first habit that every business person should have is the habit of tracking.  Business owners and sales professionals should be tracking all of their sales activities as well as having a system to track their networking and referral activities.

Tracking creates habits; the more you are in the habit of tracking your activities the better you will be at knowing where improvement is needed. Here are a few of the things you should be tracking around your referral generation system:

Track your networking activities.
Who are you networking with?
What activities are you participating in?
How much time are you spending networking?
What is the value of that time?
What is it costing your in hard dollars?

Track your giving.
Who have you given business to?
What connections have you been able to make?
What was the value of the business you have given?

Track your receiving.
Who has referred business to you?
Who has connected you?
What was the value of the business you received?

Track your thanking activities.
Who have you thanked?
How have you thanked them?

When you have a system for tracking your activities and you use it consistently you begin to develop a habit. It is a habit that creates excellence!

TIP: Start tracking your activities and create the habits that create excellence.

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Paul Meyer 15 July 2009 - 2:19 pm

Thanks Hazel,

Great reminder!



Paul Meyer
Author of The Naked Career
Assistant Director
BNI East/South Auckland

Hazel M Walker 15 July 2009 - 3:19 pm

Glad you liked it Paul….I hope it inspires others to do the things need to be excellent!

John Cook 17 July 2009 - 5:24 pm

kpi’s and testing and measuring lead to improved performance generally just by measuring alone.
really succesful people monitor there numbers and through them keep their finger on the pulse of their business
John Cook
Business Consultant

David Wimblett 20 July 2009 - 7:10 am

Hi Hazel,

Great blog – every week the Membership Co-ordinator talks about setting goals and monitoring progress.

This is just the next step.

Thank you.

David Wimblett
Regional Director – London North West (UK)

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