The reality television programme “Dancing with the Stars” might not be your viewing choice but it’s proved to be a massive hit around the world and here locally. In fact, …
Recently our chapter (BNI Parnell) got involved in a charity drive for a valuable organisation called Foster Hope that I wanted to let other members know about. Foster Hope is …
Have you heard of ‘newsjacking’? What about an ‘alphanista’ or ‘twinternship’? These are a few of the top internet marketing buzzwords you will hear in 2015. You may not necessarily …
We know that Visitors’ Days are an outstanding way to grow a chapter. Most chapters get 20-30% of their business from visitors. They’re not the only way, but as a …
In the great children’s book by Roald Dahl – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – the hero, Charlie received a Golden Ticket that could – if he followed the correct …
Recently Dave Smith, Director Consultant for four chapters in the Auckland region, was addressing 23 members from BNI Britomart on the importance of the MSP programme. Called the “Member Success …