Do it right from the start Do the basics right.Turn up on time (in person, on a call, or online)Be confident and prepared Relax them with icebreakers not related to …
Member Success Program (MSP) training which is completed via our BNI University online learning platform is very important to each members success. MSP is core learning that every new member …
What is the Attendance Policy again? In BNI we know that showing up each week is the bare minimum to fulfil our commitment to our fellow BNI members. Coming to …
BNI Christchurch member Corey Williams contacted us recently to express his gratitude for the unexpected consequences he has received from being part of BNI. Corey, a partner at Swain Woodham …
Visitors, why do we love them so much? Let us count the ways! Ask the chapter for the reasons… they include ….. 1. Extra energy and focus at the meeting …
Original Article by Kate Nankivell, BNI Member – BNI Metro Contributed to/edited by Richard Foulkes, BNI Director Consultant – Auckland Create A Relationship Action Plan If you want to network …