Another thought provoking article from my good friend Wilma’s blog. Wilma’s partner John was my business coach for many years and the two of them are on quite a journey: …
Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood. This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting. You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. What you …
I knew instantly I was at a BNI meeting, because I was made to feel welcome.
The winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize has just been announced — and it’s US President Barack Obama. Obama himself says he’s “surprised, humbled and doesn’t yet deserve it” …
BNI HQ and the Referral Institute is in the process of conducting an international survey into the differences between the sexes in terms of networking, as part of a reaserch …
Hospice New Zealand has just circulated their latest newsletter – and for anyone not on the mailing list I thought I would post a copy to the blog: Thanks to …