Home » What happens when instead of being an old fashioned partner I become a sponsor?

What happens when instead of being an old fashioned partner I become a sponsor?

by BNI New Zealand

Another thought provoking article from my good friend Wilma’s blog.  Wilma’s partner John was my business coach for many years and the two of them are on quite a journey:

If I look back, most relationships, be it with partners, relatives, friends or with works colleagues have been one of limited possibilities.

As I went through life, I learned to look after myself, not to expect too much, to keep score so I would not become a doormat or a victim and to compete for mostly everything from attention and love to promotion and opportunities. Most of my adult life I have been going it alone, I relied on myself and in my previous marriage I never considered my needs.

Now when I look at sponsorship, I get a whole new view on how a relationship could be. I could become the sponsored one as well as a sponsor AND have everyone in the relationship fly.

That is so in contrast with the old fashioned way of relating in which instead of sponsoring each other we clip each other wings, we jealously guard our rights and we never believe in and bring out each others greatness.  We nag, we accuse, we disappoint and ultimately we are going it alone, being secretive, mistrusting and never daring to ask for much.  We try not to rely on one another and yet we call what we have together . . . ’a relationship’.


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Wilma Ham 22 October 2009 - 10:31 am

I can see a clear relation to what BNI is about as well.
What you get out of your relationship with the people in your chapter is not much different from what you get out of a relationship with a partner.
When you sponsor your chapter meetings by being present, prepared and an active participant, guess who all get sponsored?
When you sponsor your relationship with the chapter members, guess who wins?
If you understand and practice sponsorship, your business and relationships with everybody involved will fly; it cannot be any other way.
That is the value of BNI, showing the immense value of sponsorhip by its giver’s gain commitment.

Graham Southwell 22 October 2009 - 9:10 pm

I completely agree – imagine what a chapter would look like if people truly embraced this concept – it would ROCK!

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