I think that most people reading this blog will know that BNI New Zealand has aligned itself with Hospice New Zealand and that we are doing all we can to …
According to The Wall Street Journal, KGB analyst and academic, Igor Panarin, has predicted that in June 2010 (a mere 6 months from now) the United States will suffer an …
Be InspiredBetter BusinessLeadershipSocial CapitalSustainable Business
Managing Social Learning Initiatives: Top-Down or Grassroots?
Bill Sherman has contributed to this blog in the past. His recent post caught my eye as it is the most sensible recommendation I have come across to date as …
I was told about The National Networker by Dr Ivan Misner – Chairman of BNI. That being the case – I thought that I would share this message from Douglas …
1. In ten words or less, what is the objective of your marketing plan? i.e. to increase sales by 10% in the XYZ product line/service. 2. Name three benefits of …
Communication models shows us that every moment there are two million bits of information coming at us. Our brains cannot cope with this volume so we filter the information by: …