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7 Steps to a quickie marketing plan

by Colin Kennedy

1. In ten words or less, what is the objective of your marketing plan? i.e. to increase sales by 10% in the XYZ product line/service.

2. Name three benefits of your XYX product line/service i.e. be sure that the benefits address frustrations or problems – Hangover ruining New Year’s Day? XYZ cures hangovers instantly!

3. Who is your target market? e.g. Mums who can expect an early wake-up from the kids.

4. What tactics will you employ? Radio ads, flyers drops at liquor outlets, social networking sites, press releases, brochures at play-centres.

5. What is your key message i.e. Party all night and then laugh, scream and shout with the kids all day too!

6. What’s your story? i.e. XYZ is made by mums for mums who want kids and a life too.

7. Budget. Clearly define how much you’re going to spend.

Snap, it’s done and you’re ready to go. But remember, no plan works without action.

“Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” – Benjamin Disraeli

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