I recently posed a question on BNIonline.co.nz which has so far returned some insightful responses… The question was: “How do we cultivate a networking mindset?” The question follows a comment …
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BNI New Zealand launches Social Networking site
We’re excited to launch BNI Online – an online community for BNI New Zealand members. Membership is by invitation only – and yours will arrive tomorrow – so please keep …
Article contributed by Dr. Ivan Misner. he following is a summary taken from a chapter in the book “Truth and Delusion”, one of many best-selling books by Dr Ivan Misner, …
One of the tenets of BNI is that we will not allow a BNI chapter to slip from a business meeting to a coffee group. That being the case – …
Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood. This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting. You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. What you …