Article contributed by Dr. Ivan Misner. The following is a summary taken from a chapter in the book “Truth and Delusion”, one of many best-selling books by Dr Ivan Misner, …
The more than 75 people who attended BNI’s pilot public relations and social media workshop on Auckland’s North Shore at the end of March have given the sessions rave reviews. 72 …
Better BusinessBNI tips for members
In today’s marketplace, you either need to be the cheapest or the best….right?
Article contributed by TR Garland. In today’s marketplace, you either need to be the cheapest or the best. You need to decide for yourself where you want to be. I …
Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood. This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting. You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. What you …
Article contributed by Dr. Ivan Misner. A referral is better than a cold call because you have the name of the prospect and, if you’re fortunate, you can use the …
Miami PBS Nightly Business Report on BNI