If you’re interested in attending this year’s TIME event, please accept Managing Director of NZ Corporate Publications, Stuart Macklin’s invitation to download the attached ticket and programme. Thank you Stuart. …
“We’re all out of referrals!” Have you had that thought before? Heard it before? I’ve heard it a few times. I’ve also heard people say “we’ve exhausted our networks”. If …
Article contributed by Jenny Devine. We all have a shadow. This is what it is to be human; we contain elements of dark and light, good and bad. It was …
Article contributed by Clive Murphy. All people want to be a success. I hear you say “That’s not quite right. I know of people who don’t want to succeed”. It …
Article contributed by Jasbindar Singh. 1. Employee engagement is a three-way process and requires responsibility, accountability and ownership from employer, employees and the organization. We talk about employee engagement including …
Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood. This is a 2-3 minute workshop. What you say out loud is in bold – the rest are instructions. ——————————————————————————————- Start by asking the members….. …