Santa is the Ultimate Giver, but he only comes once a year – Who has been Santa all year in our chapter? Let’s take a moment to recognise members that …
BNI Core Values
Ken Blanchard, renowned management guru and author of The One Minute Manager amongst 60 other books, is credited with saying that feedback is The Breakfast of Champions. Ken himself, perhaps …
Learn more to Earn more Question: Who here believes that the more we learn in our profession and business life and put into practice the more we earn? Question: Who …
Introducing BNI® Business Builder
Our BNI® University or BNI® U Platform is Changing BNI® U where we do our training is changing to be called BNI® Business Builder BNI® U will now be one …
There’s gold in that nugget!
The WHAT of Education The education might be about BNI, business or life… it might come from the weekly education moment BNI send me or from something I think will …
Politics, Religion and BNI
Politics, Religion and BNI On October 17 New Zealand goes to the polls to decide who will govern the country for the next three years and to give the government …
CATS, Member Commitment Report, 5’s, 6’s and CATS explained Heard of CATS? It’s not a herd of Cats, it’s a clowder or glaring of Cats! But we aren’t talking about …
This week, as a break from BNI, we are going to take a look at something quite topical while showing the similarity it has with BNI, and perhaps why BNI …
What is the Attendance Policy again? In BNI we know that showing up each week is the bare minimum to fulfil our commitment to our fellow BNI members. Coming to …