Home BNI Workshops Mini Workshop – Referrals 001

Mini Workshop – Referrals 001

by BNI New Zealand

Article contributed by Geoff Kirkwood.

This is a 2-3 minute activity that involves those at the meeting.
You will need to read it through beforehand and be prepared. 
What you say out loud to the group is in larger type in bold.
Purpose: To highlight how important Dance Cards are for referrals .
Ask the chapter the following question and repeat some of the responses.

In the last three months, how many members here have not received either one referral or enough to justify their membership?

Those members please keep their hands up?

Do the rest of you want to lose these members?

Now ask those members to put down their hands and say the following to everyone.

The only way to make sure that everyone benefits from BNI is to follow the system.

Those of you who are satisfied with your referrals and/or those of you who may be having difficulty getting referrals for our members who put their hands up need to do the following…

1.    Book dance cards with those members today
2.    Focus especially on them for the next few weeks
3.    Ask them those five most important words……… HOW CAN I HELP YOU?
4.    Make them a priority

You will be amazed what some focus will do for all of you, even those of you who are receiving plenty of referrals.

The Referral Master®

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