Home BNI tips for members Write your own Bio

Write your own Bio

by BNI New Zealand

You have your 10-minute coming up and the Education Coordinator asks you to fill out a biography sheet, so you fill out the obligatory spaces on the form: spouse, children, animals, hobbies, other interests, burning desire, something no one knows about you. Then, if you are lucky and the treasurer can read your handwriting, it gets read out with some enthusiasm, something like this:

‘Spouse: Sue. Children, Tom & Lucy. Animals -Angus (Scottish Terreir) and Georgie (West Highland Terrier). Hobbies, Keeping Fit and Music. MyBurning Desire, to own a yacht. Something no one knows about me – I am learning to surf!

It’s fine, but what is that really adding to your presentation and, let’s be honest, how many times have you given the Education Coordinator the same biography sheet? I know in my chapter members do that and what’s more they don’t even update their dates – so they have still been married three years when I know it’s now four!

A 10-minute is just that, eight minutes and questions or a straight ten minutes. But a well written biography can add to that another minute or more, so make the most of it! Next time you have a 10-minute coming up and your Education Coordinator asks for a Bio, write it and make use of every word. The Education Coordinator can say things about you that you can’t say yourself, so give them some good stuff and build up your image.  And finally – if your writing is as bad as mine – why dont you go on line and fill out your bio sheet on the BNI website.

Source: David Wimblett – http://bnigivers.blogspot.com/

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