Home BNI tips for members Why are some chapters stuck to grow? Top tactical tips for Visitor Days

Why are some chapters stuck to grow? Top tactical tips for Visitor Days

by BNI New Zealand

We all want to grow our chapter. More members, means greater referrals and more business generated for each of us and meetings that are dynamic!

What separates healthy chapters from those that are struggling?

Richard Foulkes, member of BNI Metro and Director Consultant for BNI Newmarket, shares his top tips for what it takes to run a successful Visitors Day.

Before the Visitors Day

  1. Ensure there’s harmony in your chapter please! Visitors won’t want to join a group if they feel that the atmosphere isn’t professional and friendly. Ensure that any personal issues between members are resolved and you’re all working together to the same end – growing your businesses through referrals – before you schedule Visitor Days.
  2. Simple things like having a chapter name that resonates with new members or represents something relevant – like a geographic location – can help to improve membership. Changing BNI Newmarket’s name for example to represent the area it’s in has helped the group immensely.
  3. Be strategic about hosting Visitors Days. Plan as a group- everyone take on a role. Make sure that everyone is energetic and motivated in terms of bringing new people on board. Also take the time during Visitor Days to spend more time introducing new people and don’t read out lengthy reports or other material that means nothing to visitors.
  4. Coach your chapter on the benefits of Visitor Days and the process that takes place during the day. This can be undertaken by someone experienced in your leadership team or your Director.

Finding new members

Remember when you’re contacting new people you aren’t selling them BNI. You’re presenting the opportunity to meet new businesspeople and grow their business.

  • Google is your friend according to Richard. He notes that before a recent Visitor Day he googled 5 categories of businesses and found five new contacts. He cold-called these contacts (not as scary as it may sound) and had five new visitors for the next meeting. The whole process took just 30 minutes.
  • Business signage is an easy way to find new contacts. Look for vehicles with advertising or signs on businesses and residential properties. These businesspeople are actively looking for new business contacts and referrals – BNI is perfect for them.
  • For organisation purposes, do reminder calls to visitors three days before the Visitor Day and ask them to score from 1-5 (most to least) how likely it is that they will come. A reminder is important.
  • On the day give all your visitors a membership form where they can fill out at the meeting their basic details and score 1-5 (most to least) how likely it is that they will join BNI. A 3 score shows interest but requires more information, 1 are ready to join and invite to next week’s meeting and 5 future visitors. It’s a proactive way to engage visitors and help turn them into members.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to new people and grow your chapter. Even if you consider yourself “happy” with your chapter size you’ll be amazed by the positive change any growth brings.

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