Who is missing out?
Some professions are represented in every BNI chapter, why? Because they typically do well.
Here is a report of classifications that, by order of diminishing frequency, are commonly represented in BNI in our region.
Some we may be well aware of and be looking for already but some might surprise you.
Knowledge is Power
Now we know classifications that generally work well in BNI but aren’t in our chapter what do we do?
Looking at the list many of us probably have at least acquaintance with, if not full-blown business relationships or friendships with people that own these types of businesses. Is that true? In that case, armed with the knowledge that BNI will probably work for them, excluding ex-members, the next step is to reach out to them and invite them to a meeting.
Knowledge is power but without action, it’s just knowledge
We have a short run up to Christmas where people tend to get busy or make an excuse that they are busy.
Think about who you know in these professions that has a great attitude and would enjoy our meeting, commit to reaching out to them TODAY and invite them to next week’s meeting.
Here is an easy way to extend an invitation you can use in a phone conversation, email, or text (not a general social media post). Put it into your own words but it goes like this:
“Hey, I’m part of a business group that’s fun and I get a lot out of. It’s been hard to get together with other business people over the past two years so we are reaching out to invite people we think would enjoy meeting like-minded business people and I thought of you. Let me know if you’d like an invite?”
I can send this script to you all if it would be helpful.
Why invite visitors? It’s a win-win. They get to meet and be motivated by a bunch of cool businesspeople (that’s us).
If they like what they see and apply to join and are accepted, they get all the benefits that we enjoy.
We get to meet potential new customers and – if they join – build deeper business relationships with them.

Today is the Day
Reach out today. Christmas is coming and the “busy” excuses will soon be in full force.