TYFCB – One Key Thing to Know
You thank another member for business you received from a referral they gave you.
Whose Thank You for Closed Business or TYFCB number increases? Yours or theirs?
Recording TYFCB
If you thank another member, their TYFCB increases as they generated business for you. You receive revenue.
The TYFCB you have thanked others for shows as Revenue Received for you in the APP. Only you can see that. It is confidential to you.
The TYFCB you have generated for others shows in the APP and the on PALMS for all see.
We celebrate the givers openly in BNI, but we keep each members earnings confidential.

In summary, if you thank another member for TYFCB, your TYFCB number will not change.
Theirs will, it will make them look good and they will feel appreciated for the work they put into giving you a referral.
If your TYFCB total is low, think about how you can refer others and help them gain revenue through their business, which will also increase your TYFCB total in the app.
So, remember, if you thank another member for TYFCB, your TYFCB number will not change, only theirs will.