Sometimes, for reasons outside of our control, we might need to take a break from BNI.
These reasons could include, becoming too busy, changing business type, moving area, family reasons etc.
If a member genuinely wants to take a break from BNI, with the intention of returning, what are the options?

Things to consider before deciding to “take a break”
If you have become “too busy” for BNI, consider growing your business to cope before giving up something that has helped make you busy.
If you are considering taking a break because BNI doesn’t seem to be working for you, think about how you are participating in the BNI system. Remember BNI is about farming, not hunting and it can take 6 months to over a year to establish your visibility and credibility before you have the opportunity to be profitable.
Your profitability will build with every succeeding year in BNI. Talk to you BNI Mentor or your BNI Director Consultant for help.
If you are taking a break because of an unresolved dispute with someone in the group, please reconsider. If you feel the other member is wrong and you leave and they stay, they could possibly cause or already be causing problems for other members and visitors. Talk to the Leadership Team or your BNI Director Consultant for help.
How to take a break with the intention of returning
Reason 1 – I’m starting (or adding to) a family and life is going to get busy…
BNI New Zealand (Governed by New Zealand Law) allows a member to take a break from BNI and hold their category open for up to 3 months when they are adding to a family as parents. They need to let the membership committee know when they intend to stop attending and nominate a date (which may need to be flexible) when they intend to return. In this situation, they remain a member of the group, their category is held for them, their membership fees go on hold and they would stop paying chapter fees. The chapter would stay in touch with the member and the member would keep the chapter up to date.
Reason 2 – I have a major medical event requiring a break from work.
BNI allows a member to take medical leave from a group for up to 8 weeks where the member is incapacitated for an extended period and they can’t provide a substitute over that period. In this case they need to apply to the membership committee for medical leave.
In granting it, the membership committee will consider the record of the member, why they can’t provide a substitute for the period and the nature of the medical event. If medical leave is granted, the member remains a member of the group, their category is held for them, they would stop paying chapter fees, but their membership continues to age. The VP would mark them as a “M” for medical on their PALMS each week they are away from the group.
Reason 3 – I am taking an extended holiday (4-6 weeks or longer)
There isn’t a formal process for this. It should be covered through a combination of absences and substitutes. You can use up to three of each in a rolling 6-month period. The member would be expected to keep paying their chapter fees, their category would stay theirs and their membership would keep aging. Sending the odd selfie whilst on holiday is recommended to keep in touch.
Reason 4 – I need to take a longer break but would like to return to BNI at some point.
The only option here is to “put your membership on hold”. This means that you leave the group and your category becomes open. You will be issued with a letter of credit for the remainder of your membership (no cash refunds) that you can use for up to two years to apply back to your group (if your category is still open) or anywhere around the world. You cannot put your membership on hold and keep your category open.
BNI is a long-term commitment to your fellow members. For this reason, coming and going from the chapter while the chapter keeps your category open, doesn’t work, except for specific circumstances, for which there is a clear set of processes.