Home BNI tips for members Social Media and BNI – how you can make this work for you and your chapter

Social Media and BNI – how you can make this work for you and your chapter

by BNI New Zealand

Many businesses have jumped on the social media bandwagon and have realised it’s a fantastic way to interact with their client base and attract new customers in a cost effective manner. The question is, how can you apply that to your BNI chapter to gain visitors and find quality referrals?

Update your profile: would someone know it’s you based on your profile photo? Are your details refreshed and up to date? LinkedIn and BNI website biographies are quick to do and generally don’t change that often. Just treat them like your CV, be professional and relevant.

Connect with your fellow chapter members: you sit at the same table every week but are you connected on LinkedIn, fans of their business Facebook pages and do you follow them on Twitter.

Share content: it’s easy and can be done at a click of a button. Share only if you think your audience wants to hear about it.

Invite people to your chapter: whether it is a visitor’s day, or targeted industries you are trying to attract to your chapter, put it on your social media pages. It’s all about “who do you know who…”

Have fun: it’s important to show your personality on social media. Completed a multi-sport event, family fun-day with your chapter, or raised money for your local hospice, it’s all great content to share. Remember, people buy from people they like – show you are likeable!

Referrals: when you listen to your audience, you learn to pick up on their cries for help. They want to know where to get things fixed, purchased or general assistance. Be the connector via social media and get those referrals flowing.

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