Home » Procrastination


by Richard Foulkes

Raise your hand if you suffer from Procrastination at work or at home?

See… you aren’t alone… the good news is that for 80% of us (and the 20% who are procrastinating about putting their hand up) procrastination isn’t a disease, it’s a habit we use to help handle stress.

Procrastination as Stress Relief

Raise your hand if you have a lot going on in your private life and in your business?

Most of us … as entrepreneurs and leaders we have multiple things going on all the time. Even though we a have a lot do in the morning we know that we have been avoiding some of them (especially the harder ones) for a while. So, we sit down and as a way of relieving stress we watch some cute cat videos for just a few moments and the next thing is an hour has gone by! Of course then we beat ourselves up for wasting time.

How to stop using Procrastination as a way of relieving stress.

Realise that you will never get rid of the triggers for procrastination – you will always have some stress; however, you can reduce your procrastination in 3 easy steps: –

1. Change your pattern of avoiding work. For example, if you find yourself checking Facebook instead of working, acknowledge it by saying “I must be stressed about something”

2. Countdown 5,4,3,2,1 – this will interrupt the procrastination habit

3. Then work on just one hard task for 5 minutes

By working on the problem for 5 minutes, you break the habit and practise avoiding procrastination. 

Mel Robbins – Procrastination  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x7MkLDGnu8

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