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Outstanding words for an outstanding 60 seconds

by BNI New Zealand

Have you heard of ‘newsjacking’? What about an ‘alphanista’ or ‘twinternship’? These are a few of the top internet marketing buzzwords you will hear in 2015. You may not necessarily like the use of newly created buzzwords in marketing, but remember just a few years ago no one had any idea what ‘going viral’ meant. Now terms like this feature in everyday speech and have an important place in contemporary business and marketing; as attention getters and to keep things brief.

So what do buzzwords have to do with BNI?

Well, each week we want to create a 60-seconds that connects with our audience, informs them of our target market and what it is we have to offer.

Exceptional 60-seconds all contain words and expressions that capture the audience’s attention. Some are buzzwords; others carry a lot of emotion or motivate listeners to action. Although 60-seconds can vary, here are 3 things that can help everyone:

1. Get the audience’s attention – Fire an opening salvo that engages your listeners. You may want to ask a relevant question or even a riddle. Try starting with the words; “Did you know”, then ask a question usually tied to some current event or sensational headline.

These headlines usually grab a person’s attention because the words used in them are dynamic and emotional. After grabbing your audience’s attention you will have the momentum to move into your story. Your story has to be related to your opening salvo in some way for this to work. By using the right words in your story you will be able keep your momentum and their attention. This is also a great place to try using a buzzword or recently coined term.

2. Use emotionally charged words – Next make sure you use emotionally charged words throughout your 60-second presentation. This allows you to keep the audience’s attention all the way to the end where you will empower them to act on your behalf.

Use words that primarily have positive connotations. For example try words like: easy, healthy, love, safety, proven, results, guarantee, and excited.

3. Use a memorable catch phrase – To make your 60-seconds really sizzle, always end your presentation with a memorable catch phrase or memory hook. Memory hooks should make you stand out in a positive way.

They don’t have to rhyme, but should be unique to you if possible and easy to remember. Using memory hooks is a way of branding your special talents, skills or product. This is important because good catch phrases will trigger a conditioned response to remember you. Catch phrases are a proven way of increasing your recognition and getting you more referrals.

Remember if you try to ask for 6 different types of referrals, you will lose your audience and most of them will not know what you’re really looking for. On the other hand, if you only ask for one very specific referral, your message will be easy to follow and your audience will stay with you longer. Keep your message focussed and specific – specific is terrific.

AND for the record newsjacking is the art of injecting your brand ideas into a breaking news story and generating media coverage. An alphanista is a successful woman in a powerful position and a Twinternship is an internship where the mission is to promote the company and its brands using social media such as Twitter. Try a buzzword in your next 60 seconds.

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