Reason 1: The traffic lights are always green on the way to the meeting
Even if they aren’t it will feel like they are as you won’t be sweating on every red light, running orange lights, or feeling annoyed by slow drivers while trying to get back the few minutes you need to not be late.
Of course, the morning traffic is generally lighter the earlier it is and having a margin of error for bad traffic or accidents is a good idea anyway. You’ll also be more relaxed when you arrive.

Reason 2: VIP Parking
The earlier you arrive, the better and more available the parking. Arriving late and getting a good park only happens in James Bond Movies.
Reason 3: Premium Service
Being on time means you’ll get your coffee faster and have more time to enjoy it.
It also makes the venue’s life easier to have all the orders in well before the start of the meeting rather than dealing with a rush just before 7.
They also don’t need to interrupt the meeting as much.
Reason 4: Helping Out
The leadership team often needs help setting up the room before the meeting starts and if 1 of the leadership team is absent you can step in, especially meeting and greeting visitors at the door.
Reason 5: Let the room build around you
This is a big one. It’s much easier to let the meeting build around you than walk into a busy room.
Letting people come to you or meeting them as they arrive rather than having to insert yourself into a conversation is a lot better way to network.
You can get a little time with a lot of people rather than a little time with next to nobody.
Reason 6: Connect the dots
Open Networking is a great time to give quick feedback on referrals you’ve received and to follow up on referrals you’ve given.
It’s also a great time to check in with other members about referral opportunities for them you aren’t sure about. Often that helps to join the dots and propel the referrals forward.
Reason 7: Early bird gets the worm
Meeting visitors who may become members or clients is only possible before the meeting.
Visitors might never attend again which is a wasted opportunity to meet new contacts and to learn a little about potential new members so you can give feedback if they apply to join.
Reason 8: There’s no better place
In the early morning, other members know that the most likely place you are rushing from is a meeting with your pillow, tripping over your dog, wrangling the kids, trying to get some work in before the BNI meeting……
What message are you sending to your fellow members if you can’t get up a little earlier to make sure you can be on time. If they can be on time, why can’t you?
Reason 9: What does being late say about you?
If you are often late it says to members you will likely be late to other important meetings which makes you difficult to refer to and work with.
Being regularly late is really about Visibility and Credibility and saying your time is more valuable than other people’s time.
What time is on time?
Open networking is an official part of the meeting. It starts 15 minutes before the president stands to call the meeting to order. So, being on time means 15 minutes before the formal meeting starts. Late is after the meeting starts.
Bonus tip: it’s network not netsit – avoid the temptation to sit during open networking… stay standing and network.
1 comment
Great Tips and so very true even on Zoom meetings. If you arrive late and everyone is in a deep discussion it is difficult to break in with a “Good Morning”
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