Home » Be specific with referrals

Be specific with referrals

by Mariska Mannes

It’s winter, cold and hard to get up in the mornings, the economic climate is a little dreary – who would want to get up? Us of course – as a member of BNI we look forward to getting up early once a week and meeting with our sales team. Keep in mind that in this climate it is even more important to ask for SPECIFIC referrals. Think about who your:

  • dream referral would be (if this person was referred to you it would make your year)
  • cream referral (if this person was referred to you it would make your month)and
  • bread and butter clients (the referrals you need all the time to stay in business)

Now tell the rest of your team. Be as specific as you can. If you do not know who they are than how can the rest of your team go out looking for them?

On another note I am involved in organising the 2nd NZ Small Business Summit. The objective of the Summit is to build a better relationship between government and the SME sector. We are conducting a pre Summit Survey to ensure the right challenges are addresses at the Summit in September. Everyone who completes the survey will go into a draw to win a $500 Bartercard Gift Card. If you have got four spare minutes go to http://www.smallbusinesssummit.co.nz/PreSurvey.aspx and be part the SME voice.

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