This week we are going to take a quick look at the why and how of Chapter Education Units or CEU’s. We understand that members who learn how to make the most of their membership make more money and stay members longer.
In addition, an attitude of wanting to learn opens us up to new ideas and growth that are absolutely essential to stay relevant in an ever faster changing world. If fact, these days you don’t just need to work on your business, you need to work on the business you are going to be in the future…… something companies like Kodak and Nokia forgot to do.
Take a moment and “Read the Manual”
Who in the room, when they buy a new item or product, studies the manual before diving in and having a try at using it? …. A few of you?
Who only looks at the manual when you are absolutely flummoxed on how to make the item or product work? …. Most of you?
Who, when, after finally consulting the manual or online help has realised how much more the item could do for you than you realised and you are only using a small percentage of its capability? …. Some of you?
Sometimes when we get a new item or product, we assume that because we are somewhat familiar with it (mobile, tv, software etc) that we understand pretty much how it works. In reality, it has features and capabilities that unless we look deeper, we just leave unexplored or unused. Or, we get so frustrated that it isn’t working for us, we give up and stick it in the cupboard.
How does this relate to BNI?
When we join BNI we can quickly get a basic understanding on how it works and how it can be helpful. This knowledge is gained by attending the meeting perhaps listening to the weekly education, watching and observing members of the chapter and through new member mentoring.
However, deeper understanding that can really set your membership on fire takes extra effort to learn. We understand that members who use this learning and put their study into practice, make more money, help others much more and stay in BNI longer.
There is a saying that ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice but what is truly powerful is Knowledge on Fire and learning more about how BNI works can help set your membership on fire.

In BNI we often refer to The Power of One – where each member has the power to make a difference to their own membership and to the overall performance of the chapter by turning up and contributing.
By attending one BNI meeting each week (turning up), giving one referral per week, taking part in one 1-2-1 each week, earning 1 CEU each week and bringing 1 visitor per month they are achieving The Power of One!
If everyone does these basic activities each week imagine how powerful the chapter can be. Everyone in the chapter should also on average receive one referral per week and there would be as many visitors each month as there are members in the chapter!
How to get more BNI knowledge
In BNI we are blessed that there is a wealth of knowledge within the chapter through experienced members and the Directors, but with BNI University now available there is 20 years of accumulated knowledge about what works and what doesn’t. Accessing this knowledge can give you the hard-earned learning of experts in a fraction of the time it took them to get it.
If you haven’t yet accessed BNI University or don’t know how to, you can download the APP from the App Store or Play Store. If you don’t know your login and password, then reach out to your BNI Director Consultant or your BNI Support office.
Recording your progress, showing your group that you are committed to learn more in order to help them more enhances your credibility. BNI University records your usage in minutes or points. Each 60 minutes you spend on BNI University is equivalent to one Chapter Education Unit (CEU). You record CEU’s in the BNI Connect APP and they are then submitted each week with your other entries on the weekly PALMS report.
What is the recommended amount of study each week?
One Chapter Education Unit (CEU) per week is recommended to keep learning more and earning more. A great place to start is the Membership Success Programme, even if you have attended the Face to Face MSP in the past, the online program is updated and improved – we guarantee you will learn something new.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to “Read the Manual” to learn how to make the most of your membership!