Santa is the Ultimate Giver, but he only comes once a year – Who has been Santa all year in our chapter?

Let’s take a moment to recognise members that have gone above and beyond in giving to others this calendar year to date. (You can also recognise the runners up)
• We recognise giving the most referrals this year with Referrals Passed
• We recognise giving the most business to their fellow Chapter Members with $$$$$ in TYFCB
• We recognise the gift of their time in doing the most One to Ones
• We recognise bringing new energy to the chapter by inviting the most Visitors
• Lastly, we acknowledge the Leadership Teams who have volunteered their time to guide the chapter through a challenging year.
In BNI, giving isn’t reserved just for Christmas Day
We have to recognise, it’s been a challenging year but one that has also brought new thinking and new opportunities. Over the summer break, life will be (hopefully) a bit different, we will be mixing in different circles, catching up with friends and family, and perhaps enjoying conversations at the Beach, Bach, or BBQ.
This opens up opportunities to “keep your BNI radar on” and listen for people thinking about a change in 2021. It might be a new or renovated house, a new job, a marketing campaign, or a business opportunity. Asking some simple questions out of interest like “who is doing the renovation” can open up referral opportunities. The key is to ASK if they have someone to help before offering to refer them to someone. Then you are only helping, not being pushy.
If everyone keeps their BNI Radar on over the break, we can start 2021 off in a very positive way.