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Teaching is selling

by Colin Kennedy

There is power in teaching, particularly when it comes to selling.

For example, what do you appreciate more when making a buying decision…

  1. The sales person who gives you advice based on your needs (whether the cost is more or less)?
  2. The sales person who just nods and then processes the transaction?

My guess is that its number one – the person who takes an interest in your needs and offers you advice pertinent to your situation, is the one that represents the most value to you.

The same applies to your fellow BNI members.

Instead of delivering a 60 seconds or ten minutes presentation that sells benefits, experience, skills, point of difference… trying using your expertise to teach them ‘how to’ do something better.

For example:

  • Accountants can do an ten minute on two or three methods a business owner can use to price services or products
  • Lawyers can do a ten minute on important points to include in a terms and conditions document
  • Real estate agents can do something on how small changes can add value to your home

You get the idea.

By adding value through teaching, the sales and referrals will take care of themselves.

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