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No flying under the radar for the Generators

by Colin Kennedy

Generators bannerThe Generators Chapter in Wellington is making sure they get noticed.

With the help of a quirky poster (pictured here), their meeting in a café situated on a busy street is well-advertised to passers-by.

Steve Hockley, BNI Wellington director, says: “The concept was borne out of the fact that lots of people look in and see the meeting in progress, but none know what is going on.

“The sign was designed to show that business is actively happening in the room and that it’s an exciting place to be.”

The Generators Chapter has found the beauty of this form of marketing to be its effectiveness, as well as being relatively inexpensive.

“It’s a fun sign, despite having a serious message,” says Steve. “We’re proud of it and like the fact that it was put together using some of the skill set found within the chapter. It certainly gets lots of attention as people walk past.”

Simon Smith Stevens, president of the Generators Chapter, says the poster has been effective in giving some personality to the chapter’s offer.

“After all, we have an audience and a message like any product or service, and in Wellington we are competing against 16 other chapters!” says Simon.

“As we know, good branding not only helps persuade your audience, but it also gives, in this case, the members a sense of pride and belonging. We all have that in the broad sense with the BNI brand, but this is built round personalising the chapter.”

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