Home Be Inspired Mike Tennent finishes 19 out of 94 in 60 kilometre Tarawera Ultra Marathon

Mike Tennent finishes 19 out of 94 in 60 kilometre Tarawera Ultra Marathon

by BNI New Zealand

MikeTennentRaceBNI regional director Mike Tennent’s challenge to complete one of theworld’s tougher trail runs – the 60 kilometre Tarawera Ultra Marathon – and raise money for Hospices in the Bay of Plenty exceeded all expectations.

Not only did Mike raise more than $$5,112 for hospice, he completed the run in 8 hours and 9 minutes, finishing 19th out of 94 starters (9th in last leg of the race).

Asked how he did it, Mike says he used an old fashioned formula.

“How do you eat an elephant? One bit at a time. And that’s how I approached the run.

“I discovered that the thing that hits you at the end of an Ultra is not – as you would think – elation, but rather emotion. It was all I could do to hold back the tears as I savoured the fact that I had done it!

“I managed to coerce my BNI business associates, some fellow runners and one or two others to sponsor me… I even had a couple of race shirts donated (left) by All Sew in Cambridge.

“A massive thanks to my support crew… my partner Lorraine, my daughter Kate (who both still think I’m nuts) as well as Steve Neary and Christine Crook. Your presence on the day made it all work. Your smiling faces and encouragement at my key stops lifted me for the next section. Knowing you were there waiting at the finish spurred me on… thank-you.”

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John O'Connell 6 June 2012 - 11:30 am

Fantastic achievement Mike both the run and also the fundraising. Very inspiring, well done.

Lynn Render 6 June 2012 - 1:20 pm

Well done Mike you are an inspiration !!! 🙂

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